New Driveways and Paving Over Front Gardens

New Driveways and Hard Surfaces

To reduce risk of flooding new rules were introduced in 2008 that cover a hard surface over 5 metres square.

There Are Three Options
1. Apply for planning permission
2. Use a permeable material
3. Use a Standard material with the rain water directed to a lawn, border or soak away.

Permeable Materials

These allow water to drain through them and must be used on the correct sub base and correct jointing aggregates.

These include concrete grass grids, gravel and permeable pavers CBPP (Concrete Block Permeable Paving) see picture.

Permeable Pavers

Standard Materials

If using standard blocks, concrete or tarmac etc. It must have a run off to a lawn or border or a suitable soak away must be dug.

Drive Drain